Friday, January 29, 2010

The Bach Flower Remedies A Quantum Physics Approach to Healing

The Bach Flower Remedies

A Quantum Physics Approach To Healing

Disease is solely and purely corrective; it is neither vindictive nor cruel, but it is the means adopted by our souls to point out our faults, to prevent our making errors, to hinder us from doing more harm. It is to bring us back to the path of truth and light from which we should never have strayed.”

Dr. Edward Bach (1937)

He was one of the pioneers of the new paradigm of Spiritual Quantum Healing.

The Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tells us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. There is no time there, nor space there. There is only the Here – Now.

Every thing that was, is or will be exists there. It is a timeless, space less infinite point where you, I, the Universe live, move and have our being.

It is the Mind of the Creator God. And we are individual souls within the infinite soul, called the Creator God. We are to the Creator God as drops of water are to the ocean.

There is a Divine Blueprint for perfect health for each one of us within the Quantum Ocean.

We “blink out” into our individual physical existences to experience physical, mental and emotional life. It is here that we use free will incorrectly and make mistakes. It is these mistakes in our choices of thoughts, feelings and actions that cause dis-ease or illness within our energy systems.

But our Soul, that is the guiding light of our existence, spots these mistakes. It tries to warn us by using pain as it's loud speaker.

Wherever and whenever we experience pain it is a message from our soul that we are making mistakes. Time to correct them and get back on track.

The new healing paradigm for the Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics is a paradigm of communication between the soul and our physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Remember it is our soul who has created our physical, mental and emotional bodies. We are not a body that has a soul in it. We are a soul that has built a body around it.

We must learn how to go within to listen to our soul. It will guide us back to health.

Dr. Edward Bach's Flower Remedies are truly based on the new paradigm of Spiritual Quantum Physics.

Every symptom of body, mind or emotion gives us a particular message, a particular pain in a particular spot or organ.

The Bach Flower Remedies System is heals by restoring harmony between our physical, mental, emotional reality and our souls.

When Bach talks about “Universal Principal of Healing” or the “Divine Healing Power,” within us, he is talking about our soul and the fact that we live, move and have our being within the healing principles and powers within the Mind of God.

The Bach Flower Remedies may be classified as a 'subtle energy' method of healing.

It is similar to the homeopathy of Samuel Hanhamann's anthroposophical medicines.

They do not act on the physical body. They act on the very, very inner level. That razor sharp line separating our physical reality here on the physical plane with our spiritual or soul reality in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

The closer a healing remedy or process can come to this razor sharp dividing line the faster and surer the cure.

Bach shows a Spiritual link with Hippocrates, Paracelsus and Samuel Hanhamann when he said “There are no Diseases, but only sick people.”

It was in 1930 that Dr. Bach, age 43 gave up his lucrative Hurley Street practice to seek out a simpler, more natural method of treatment. One that did not require any part of the human body to be destroyed or altered.

He found it ---FLOWERS!

Hurt not thy patient.”

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:




Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Quantum Physics and Wallace Wattles Healing "SECRETS"

Quantum Physics and Wallace Wattles

The Secret

At the turn of the century one of the new thought healers wrote two books called “The Science of Being Well” and the “The Science of Getting Rich.”

The modern day entrepreneurs have made millions, which is fine because they are getting the information out to the public.

The point I wish to make with this article is this, the Laws of Quantum Physics and “The Secret” have always existed.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. There is no time there, only the here NOW. The Laws of Quantum Physics have 'blinked in' and 'blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God many times. Just as you and I have.

Each time these laws are 'blinked out' into the physical world, some man or woman with a high level of consciousness gets tapped on the shoulder and tunes into them (like a TV or radio station) and writes about them. They use the language and science of their particular time to describe them.

If you were to take the teachings of Plato, Pythagoras, Paracelsus, Manly P. Hall, Buddha, Shakespeare, Blavatsky (just to name a few) and search for that Quantum Physics golden thread linking them, you would find it.

Wallace D. Wattles with his two famous books talks about the Laws of Quantum Physics in a language of his times. Here are few of his sayings taken right out of his books.

The principle of health is your thoughts of perfect health, impressed upon your mind that will reach each part and organ of your body.”

Laws of Quantum Physics tell us thoughts are things and what you think about you become. Therefore think about health not disease and sickness.

Think of yourself as doing everything in the manner of a strong and healthy person.”

Thoughts of disease produce disease. Think Health!”

Hold with persistence to the thought of perfect health in relation to yourself.”

Here is a powerful one that describes health in relationship to the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

The principle of health in a human body receives it's vital power (life force) from the principle of life (blueprint) in the Universe (Quantum Ocean), and a person who relates himself to these principles of life, by faith in health, and by gratitude for the health he receives. He will stay healthy”

All is energy and thoughts are things. Therefore keep your thoughts on health and attract health energy from the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:




Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Quantum Physics Meditation Middle Pillar Chakras

Quantum – Meditation


Middle Pillar

The laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tell us that all is energy. You are energy. I am energy, the planet, Solar system, Galaxy and Universe are all energies. All these energies are contained in the timeless, space-less, infinite point called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. God is energy and within this mind are divine blueprints for man, planets, galaxies etc.

Everything that is, was or will be exists in the Mind of God, Quantum Ocean as a Divine Energy blueprint or Matrix.

There is a Divine Blueprint for Man's perfect Health. As long as we understand our individual Divine blueprints called our physical, mental and emotional bodies, we will remain healthy.

But when we deviate from this by replacing Divine Blueprints with man-made blueprints, illness, sickness or Dis-ease occurs.

The ancients knew that man was not his physical body, nor his thoughts, nor his feelings.

He is a Soul that creates his own physical, mental and emotional bodies.

There is a specific Divine Blueprint for the healthy functioning of every one of us.

The Eastern Seers called these non-physical structures within the human body, the Chakras. They also knew that any physical, mental or emotional problems you may have are caused by a blockage of energy, Chi, Prana or Life force in any of these Chakras.

As long as you kept these Chakras unblocked and flowing with life force, you will remain healthy. Any blockages caused by negative thoughts, feelings or actions will either stop or slow down the energy flow.

Therefore one of the keys to perfect health is the continuous flow of life force through your Chakra system.

The Middle Pillar meditation is one of the most powerful healing devices you can use to attain and maintain health.

It is cumulative and only takes about ½ hour every morning. That is a small enough price to pay to maintain good health.

The Middle Pillar Meditation is based on the Divine Blueprints of Man's Chakra system. This system tells us that there exists a non-physical pillar of energy Chakras through out your body. Each on of these Chakras can be considered to be a sphere about the size of basket ball.

There are Five of these Chakras. One, the Crown Chakra exists about four inches above your head.

The Second Chakra is your Throat Chakra. Third is Heart and Solar Plexis Chakras. Fourth is your Genital Chakras, and Fifth is your Ground Chakra where your feet touch the Earth.

Connecting all these Chakras is a hollow tube. This tube connects the Crown Chakras with the Neck Chakras. The Neck chakra with the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra with the Genital Chakra, the Genital Chakra with the Ground Chakra. This is the Divine Blueprint of Man's energy system.

When someone says, “Thy will, not my will be done.” it is not a religious prayer. It is an understanding that you live your life according to the energies of the the Divine blueprints, and not the energies of Man made false blueprints. These are what is causing all the pain and suffering in the world.

By starting a daily practice of Middle Pillar Healing meditation, you will be recreating your physical, mental and emotional energy bodies congruent to your Divine Blueprint.

You will be amazed how your life will change once you start to keep the Life-Force flowing throughout your five Chakras.

Take care of your Life-Force flow and the world you attract around yourself will take care of itself.

Remember, “The kingdom of Heaven (health, wealth and love) is within. Your individual “within” creates your individual “without.”

Let's get started:

In the morning before you go out to work is the best time to do your Middle Pillar Healing Meditation. But any time of the day will work. Remember also, repetition is Heaven's first Law.

Middle Pillar Healing Meditation:

Sit comfortably in your favorite chair and breathe slowly and deeply.

Now start your meditation by visualizing your Middle Pillar Chakra system as described above.

Visualize a basket ball size sphere about 4” above your head. This is your Crown Chakra. The reason it does not touch your head is because it is also connected to the non-physical world of the quantum ocean.

Now visualize a basket back sized sphere at your throat area.

Now a basket ball size sphere at your heart and solar plexus area.

Now a basket ball size sphere at your genital area.

Now a basket ball size sphere at your feet or ground area.

You now have visualized the 5 spheres of your middle pillars.

Now start to visualize a 3” tube running from head to feet. It starts with the Crown chakra and goes to the throat chakra. Then from the throat chakra to the heart chakra. They from the heart chakra to the genital chakra. From the genital chakra to the ground chakra.

You mow have visualized an empty Middle Pillar Matrix within your body.

Let us fill it will healing white energy.

Start with the Crown Chakra. Visualize it filling with dynamic, healing, vibrating, sparkling, pulsating white energy. It sparkles like a fourth of July sparkler.

Now start the flow.

The healing white energy starts to flow down the 3” throat chakra. The throat chakra now filled ups with healing, sparkling, pulsating, dynamic white healing energy.

When the throat chakra is filled it starts down the 3” tube to the heart chakra. The heart chakra fills with powerful healing, pulsating, dynamic, white healing light energy.

When the heart chakra is full the energy flows down the 3” tube to the genital chakra. The genital chakra fills with the powerful, pulsating, dynamic, sparkling white healing energy.

When the genital chakra is full it starts to flow down the 3” tube to the ground chakra. The ground chakra fills with dynamic, powerful, pulsating healing white light energy.

You now have a powerful Complete Middle Pillar Energy Chakra matrix slowing and pulsating with white healing energy.

Bathe in it for a minute. Enjoy the feeling of powerful energy flowing through the middle of your body.

Now the Rings on Energy.

From the Crown chakra a stream of white healing pulsating energy starts to pour out and down the left side of your body. It is about 3” wide. It is pulsating and vibrating.

This 3” ribbon flows down the left side of your face. Down your neck, your shoulder, your left arm, our hip, your thigh, your knee, your leg all the way down to your left ankle.

Then this 3” ribbon of healing white light goes under your foot and up the right ankle. Then the right leg, thigh, elbow, arm, shoulder, neck side of head and into the Crown chakra.

You have a 3” ring of white healing, pulsating, dynamic healing white light circling your body from left to right. From your Crown chakra down under your feet and up to the Crown chakra again.

Now a second ring of healing energy. A 2” ribbon of white healing light starts out of your Crown chakra and starts to flow down the front of your body. Down your forehead, your eyes, your nose, your lips, your chin, your neck, your chest, your stomach, your genitals, your thighs, your knees, your legs all the way down to your feet.

This 3” ribbon of white healing, pulsating, sparkling white light goes under your feet and starts up the back at your ankles. Then the back of your legs, your thighs, your buttocks, into the bottom of you spine at the coccyx, Up the spine and out the medulla oblangata to the Crown chakra.

You now have two powerful rings around your body. One from left to right and one from front to back.

Sit there and bask in the energy of the middle pillar with the 5 sparkling, pulsating spheres and the 3” tube down the center. Then feel the energy of the 2 rings as they spin around your body from front to back and left to right.

Now from the ground chakra a 3” ribbon of whit healing light starts to wrap itself around your ankles. It is like an ace bandage and starts to wrap you like a right mummies bandage.

The 3” ribbon wraps your legs, your thighs, your buttocks and genitals. Your lower back, your back, your chest, your arms, your shoulders, your neck your face and head and into the Crown chakra.

You are tightly wrapped in a 3” ribbon of powerful, pulsating, healing white light.

You have your middle pillar of 5 spheres, your 3” tube down the center of your body, one ring going left to right around your body and one ring going front to back. Now a complete wrap of energy.

Stop a minute and feel this pulsating, powerful dynamic white light energy flowing all around the outside and inside your body.

Now visualize a stream of powerful, healing, dynamic, white light energy starting out of your ground chakra and rushing up through the tube to your genital chakra, then up the tube to your heart chakra, then op the tube to your Crown chakra.

This powerful stream of healing, white dynamic light bursts out of the top of your Crown chakra and and forms a fountain of energy. This white haling energy now cascades down your whole body washing every inch of your body with white, healing, dynamic, pulsating energy.

You are literally taking a shower in white, healing, energy.

When you are completely soaked in the energy ...

Now with the power of your will push this energy out from your body till it forms a shell. This shell should be about 3-4 inches around your body. It conforms to your body exactly.

You are sitting in the middle of this shell.

Now the shell fills up with white, healing, pulsating, dynamic, energy.

You are siting in a shell filled with white dynamic, healing energy. Soaked in it for a minute or two.

Then intone or out load say:


Take a deep breath. Do this three times.

You now have white healing light in every cell in your body. HEALING WILL BEGIN.

Remember ½ hour a day.

My next article I will share with you how to add the healing colors of the rainbow to the meditation.

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called “The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator”. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. You can see more of his works on his websites:




Visit his Blogger page. Over 40 separate blogs on: Runes, radionics, Quantum Physics, Alternate Healing Techniques, Hidden Viking History, Astrology and the Occult Sciences.

Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

Email for free newsletter:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Quantum Physics Healing Clinic

Law of

Quantum Physics

New Paradigm

Healing Clinic


We are now in the Age of Aquarius. Our Solar System we will be here for 2000 years. We have just left the Age of Pisces.

There will be a need for a New Age of Aquarius Healing Clinic. The new paradigm of the Age of Aquarius is the Laws of Quantum Physics. These laws tell us that all is energy. The Planet is energy, the Solar System , Galaxy and Universe are energy. God is energy.

Therefore the New Age of Aquarius paradigm for a healing clinic will be all about energies. Energy healing.

Two very important points to begin with. One: since I am not a doctor, nor do I belong to the AMA, then by their arbitrary law it is against the law to talk about curing – healing. The clinic does not heal. It teaches you how to heal yourself.

The second part is this: Since we are energy beings, our health and well being depends upon a continuous flow of life force through out our bodies, through our chakra system. It is life force that heals.

Illness will be defined by us as blockage to the flow of energy or life force any where in the body. If a chakra is blocked of life force, ill-ness will occur.

Therefore the new Age of Aquarius healing clinic will be based on clearing up energy blockages and increasing the flow of life force in the body.

When this happens, the body will naturally heal itself. The body is intelligent and will take care of itself if we give it the energy it needs.

Here is a general over view of the healing energy techniques we will use in our new Age of Aquarius healing clinic.

The energy healing tools are : Chiropractic, Color healing, Bach flower remedies, Homeopathic remedies, Eeman circuits, Radionics devices, Acupuncture, Herbology and Reflexology.

All these methods are based on removing energy blockages in the body and increasing the flow of life force.

The New Age of Aquarius healing clinic will be housed in a huge, many roomed mansion on at least 100 acres with a large pond. The grounds will be covered with gardens of flowers, fruit trees, herbs and vegetables.

The mansion will have separate healing rooms designated for each of the energy treatments.

There will be a complete staff of energy specialists, a Chiropractor, a Homeopathic doctor, a Bach flower remedy expert, a Dinshah Color healing expert, a Radionics expert; a Nutritionist, an Herbalist, an Eeman circuit specialist, a Yoga and Meditation teacher, and last but not least several Pendulum experts who will help with all the correct remedy selection.

The clinic will be absolutely free. But there will be a large urn at the door way for those compelled to leave a donation. A gift for a gift.

There will be no advertising, nor media exposure. The clinic will attract those who need it through the laws of Resonant Frequencies.

Just like in the movie “Field of Dreams,” they will come.

Those who leave the clinic with positive experience (again I cannot say healing) will by word of mouth spread the news of the clinic rather than advertising.

Since I personally love the Runes, Astrology and Quantum Physics , classes will be held in these subjects. As well as others including painting, writing and music.

This is just a first draft. A mere sketch for a new Age of Aquarius healing clinic. More to follow.

Healing Clinic


The overall function of the Age of Aquarius Paradigm Healing Clinic is to enable people to heal themselves.

This is done through a full scale energy clinic that has all the 21st Century, Age of Aquarius energy healing techniques.

We make no claims of healing at any time. We allow people to heal themselves. We teach through a series of classes and lectures that everything is energy. People are energy beings. As energy beings they need an unblocked flow of life-force (Prana, Galama, Elan Vital) though out their body.

Blockages of Life-Force anywhere in the body will cause what is known as “ill-ness” or “dis-ease.”

With a new understanding of who and what we are (Energy beings) a full array of energy healing techniques will be made available to the “Seeker.”

We use the word “Seeker” because it will be only through the Laws of Resonant frequency will the seekers know about our clinic.

Seekers” are those in search of Wisdom, or new ideas and methodologies of Natural Healing. Those who want to leave the paradigm of the Age of Pisces behind and enter the Paradigm of the Age of Aquarius. Those who want to think out of the box.

Our clinic is a huge, many room mansion on 100 acres, with flourishing gardens of herbs, vegetables, flowers and fruit trees that completely fill the grounds.

When you enter the clinic through the large oak doors, you will step into a huge reception room with a cascading fountain in the middle and large hanging chandeliers on either side. A black and white marble floor adds beauty and symmetry to the room.

You will be greeted by a receptionist who will direct you to a series of rooms on the ground floor, where you will receive short lectures on what to expect.

Our staff consists of Energy Field healers using all the 21st century Age of Aquarius energy techniques.

Everyone will be an accomplished pendulum user and will use their pendulums in helping with the selection of remedies. This will take all the conscious/ subconscious, objective/ subjective guess work out of diagnosis. The pendulum abstracts it's answer from the higher conscious areas of Mankind.

Actually from the Mind of God.

We will have a Chiropractor; a Homeopath; a Bach flower remedy practitioner; a Reflexologist; an Acupuncturist, an Herbologist, a Nutritionist, an Eeman circuit expert, a Dinshah color expert; a Meditation guide as well as various Age of Aquarius teachers.

Each practitioner will have their own large room complete with large marble fireplaces and comfy, over sized club chairs and couches.

The rooms as well as the entire mansion, will be decorated with objects d' Art. Beauty is very basic energy needed in the healing process and for inspiration and creativity.

When you leave the clinic you will have a better understanding of what caused your illness . You did! As well as an understanding of how to correct your thinking which caused situations which caused you to become ill.

The appropriate remedies that you will need to continue the healing energy process started at the clinic will be given to you for free.

You will leave knowing that you are now in complete control of your health and your life and have the necessary tools to help yourself from that day onwards.

Email me for my Age of Aquarius Newsletter. If you would like to be part of this new health movement you can send donations to my paypal address

Thank you!

If you would like to participate in this project of HEALTH, contact me.

If you cannot participate then THINK about this idea of a Quantum Physics Free Healing Clinic. Thoughts are things and if enough people think of something then it will reach critical mass. When it reaches critical mass then it manifests.

It is true that whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe he can achieve.

If there are any multi-millionaires out there who would love to usher in the Age of Aquarius ( remember it will be here for the next 2000 years) with an energy healing clinic please email me. Others who would like to make a small donation can send it via my paypal address or by snail mail. My paypal address is: