Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Nordic Orgone Generator

The Laws of Quantum Physics, which is one of the gifts form the Age of Aquarius, tells us all is energy. You, I, the whole Universe is energy. There is a force which originates in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, that permeates all life in the Universe. It is called Life-Force, Chi, Prana, Galama, or Elan Vitale.

It is the energy we breath in with every breath we take. Without Life-Force, there would be no organic life on the planet Earth.

Wilhelm Reich, the Great Orgone pioneering scientist, tells us that there is also a force on the planet called DOR. It is Deadly Orgone or Deadly Life-Force.

Just as Orgone, Life-Force increases health and well being, DOR, Deadly Orgone is detrimental to Health. The amount of DOR on the planet has increased exponentially. This increase in part is due to the high technology age we live in.

TV's, microwave ovens, cell phones, fluorescent lights, computers of all kinds all produce DOR. This DOR inundates the area where these devices occupy. Power lines, cell towers, ELF towers and HARP towers emit great amounts of DOR.

There is nothing, at this time that we can do about outside sources of DOR. But we can control the DOR that is emitted by the electronic devices in our home.

A Nordic Orgone Generator is just one of the many devices you can use. A Nordic Orgone Generator has the capacity to attract DOR out of it's immediate environment and convert it to Orgone Life-Force. This is done by the interaction of the Organic and Non-Organic substances within the sacred Geometrical shape

Just place a Nordic Orgone Generator on top (or near your TV, computer, phone, oven etc. Let the Laws of Quantum Physics do it's job of conversion.

Dor is a very serious threat to our health and the health of our children. Surf the net and get the info you need to protect your family.

This new high tech world is a two edged sword. DOR is the sword of Damocles that hangs over our health.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Monday, August 11, 2008

Quantum Physics Paradigm For Health Axioms 25-60

Axiom 26 - 50

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy that responds to our thoughts.

This ocean is the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God. We can use this Quantum Ocean to build a new world Paradigm view for health.

Here are axioms 26 - 50 of this paradigm. Axioms 1 - 25 were given in part one.

26. The Universe in which we live and everything in it (including ourselves) are 1% matter and 99% non-matter (or Spiritual Energy.)

27. To be Spiritual is to explore and understand. Become more aware of yourself as a Spiritual being.

28. Life is not a problem to be solved. It is a mystery to live and explore.

29. The mystery is God.

30. What caused the 'Big Bang' in the beginning? God Laughed and we are the creation to that laugh.

31. Humor is very important for Spiritual growth. It is always new and quiets the mind. It is healing and is considered the original medicine.

32. You might consider your Life - Problems as jokes on yourself. Get the Joke and free yourself.

33. Fear is crude, creative energy. It must be refined or transformed.

34. Accept your fears and do not resist them. Locate what part of your body is sending you this message and start to transmute it.

35. Conscious attention and conscious breathing will start to transmute your fears.

36. Your minds natural state is being empty and quiet. The Quantum Ocean is empty and quiet until our "thoughts" set it into motion.

37. To much thinking can be called an illness. It creates too much data, input from the Quantum Ocean. It causes overloads and drains your energies.

38. Thoughts are very subtle Quantum Ocean matter. Most of the them that enter your mind are not for you. They require instant transformations.

39. We create out of our own experiences and physical reality according to the beliefs we attract out of the Quantum Ocean with our thoughts.

40. Your thoughts and beliefs establish the limits of your physical, mental emotional and Spiritual reality out of the "limitless" Mind of God.

41. Both the Planet and ourselves are at least 70% water. It is the metaphor for our emotions and feelings.

42. One of the reasons we 'blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean is to experience feelings.

43 We eat basically for emotional reasons. The more you come into contact with your Soul the less food your physical body will require.

44. Children 'blink out' of the Quantum Ocean to help raise the parent's spiritually.

46 Many of the Children's ailments are reflections of energies the parents carry within them selves.

45. the 'blinked out' physical reality around you is not any more or less 'real' only denser than other Realities.

46. Your inner creative language which your body uses to communicate with you contains all the words, images, smells, sounds, colors, events or other symbols that have meaning for you and you alone.

47. Life is a single, conscious totality in which the whole is in constant creative communications with each of it's parts. This applies to your Soul and the parts of your body also.

48. The location of the inner or the outer organ which is affected gives you the exact meaning of life's message to you.

49. Once you understand the message and accept it's guidance, you start the healing process.

50. Spend more time in the Larger World View Paradigm of Quantum Physics, Mind of God and Come ye out from amongst them.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Thursday, August 7, 2008

New Paradigm For Health Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

New Paradigm For Health

Axioms 1- 25

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean.

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. There is no time, only the NOW. In reality it is the Mind of God. We will be in the Age of Aquarius for 2000 more years.

This allows us time to build a new world view of reality. With these laws that tell us the Quantum Ocean responds to our thoughts we can create a new world view, a new paradigm for Health.

Here are the first twenty five axioms for health in this new paradigm:

1. Our natural state is being healthy.

2. Neither 'illness' nor 'sick people' exist in the Divine Blueprint of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

3. The only cause of 'illness' and 'sickness' is our spiritual deafness, due to our lack of communication with the Mind of God.

4. The Quantum Ocean, Mind of God speaks to us through our body. It uses an inner language that we must learn.

5.To learn this inner language we must expand our world view to include the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

6. Our soul uses a secret language to communicate with us about health.

7 All illness and sickness indicate to us an area of our life where the lack of communication with our soul and the Divine Blueprints of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God exists. It is on this we must reflect.

8. The body location of our illness and the organs which are involved are very important for us to know the exact ' Spiritual' deafness we are experiencing.

9. The illness comes to help us cure ourselves.

10 In the Great majority of cases the patient does not want to be healed. They don't want to listen to the their Souls inner message.

11. The inner message tells us that we must change ourselves. Most people want to be healed without making the appropriate changes.

12. Once you locate and consciously observe the incorrect emotion causing the illness, healing begins.

13. find the original cause and the illness will be healed.

14. Every illness has a benefit for it's owner, if you are willing to look at the larger world paradigm of Quantum Physics. It tells you where you must change.

15. If you desire healing and are willing to change your life, healing begins.

16. All forms of medicine should be considered an art and taken out of the field of merely being a science.

17. The physical Causes of illness and sickness do not exist in this new paradigm.

18 The Quantum Physics Health Paradigm deals with causes not symptoms.

19. Your Body is born from the Divine Blueprint for human bodies in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

20. It is our lack of communication with these blueprints that cause our problems.

21. Life is well organized to the smallest detail.

22. Our Soul does not get sick. But we must learn to listen and feed it.

23. We can start by feeding our Soul with the following:

Conscious breathing, being creative, meditation, prayer, much laughter, yoga or conscious body movements such as Satipathana, Clean living spaces, using your intuition, making intentions for what you want out of life, clean water, good music, taking care of what life places in front of you on a daily basis, accepting challenges, taking action, and to DARE.

24. The more you relate and listen to the messages from your soul the more well being you will feel.

25. We are Spiritual beings living and moving and having our being within another Spiritual being called 'God.'

Next Part 2

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

How To Attract Masculinity With Rune Meditation


You can now add more manhood in all you do by using the Ancient Wisdom of the Runes with the power of Quantum Ocean.

The Runes are the Universal Creative Energies of Co-Creation.

The world of rune energies is now fully explained by the modern day language, called Quantum Physics. Our ancestors and the modern day metaphyscians called these working laws The Mind of God.

By consciously using these laws we can change our destiny, and our lives, to include more abundance, health, happiness and masculinity.

Runic energies are the most quickest and easiest way to do this.

These are our god-given rights!

Abundance, health, wealth --- there is enough in the universe for all of us. All we need is the secret. The secret is Runes. I am sharing with you my 25 years experience of rune work. I will use the modern languages of energy and Quantum Physics to explain how runic energy works.

You will notice how many times I repeat. This is because REPETITION is the Universes first law. Does not daylight follow sunset? Does not Spring follow Winter. With nary a break in the Repetition.

Runes, Rune-Meditations, Rune-Magic, and Rune-Yoga are all part of the great truth of Creation.



What you about to read, about runic energies, you won't find on any other site. This site is the first site to present RUNES from a strictly energy point of view. I use the Laws of Quantum Physics to help explain how the runes work.

To practice this runic breathing exercise you do not need any ritualistic paraphernalia. All you will need is to print out the over sized rune you will find at the end of each Rune-meanings lesson.

It is best to print it out on hard card stock, it will last longer.

For this runic breathing exercise we will use RUNE-MAN. The Rune of INCREASED MASCULINITY.

To begin, sit comfortably in your favorite chair. It is best if possible to use the same chair everyday for your runic meditations. In this way the chair will become imbued and charged with runic energies. After awhile, just sitting in the chair will bring you the feeling of peace and calm.

Relax, do not strain. Breathe slowly and deeply. Do not be concerned if you are doing it right or wrong. Do not be concerned if you are pleasing or displeasing a god/goddess. It is not a ritual. It is about attracting rune energies into your aura from the Quantum Ocean.

It is your personal rune-meditation-for-increased masculinity breathing exercise. It is energy and vibrations.

Where you place your attention your energy flows. You actually touch what you think about, and it will touch you back. When you place your attention on the runes in the Quantum Ocean thier energies will flow towards you. You are performing an energy transfer.


The runic masculinity energy that you are about to attract has to have a specific target, a specific place to flow to. You will now prepare yourself to mentally receive these energies into your personal energy field. (AURA) Once your personal energy field is charged with this runic energy then you can mentally create whatever you want to do with itt.

Or, you can mentally send this runic energy to someone at a distance to help them succeed in whatever they are trying to do.

This is known as magic at a distance.


Your mind is a very powerful radionics tool, if it is used correctly. Visualization is one of its most creative functions. It works extremely well with runic energies.

The mental pictures you hold in your mind's eye form a pattern around which your mind creates. You can see the importance of creating the right kind of mental patterns. This cannot be overstated.

We are not going to attach any magical, mystical, spiritual, religious or secret meanings to our runic breathing exercises. You are simply going to think of it as your individual energy system exercise. It is into this middle pillar system of energies that you will pour your runic energies into.


You can visualize your five energy chakras as basketball size spheres.

These five chakras are :

* CROWN CHAKRA basketball sphere 4" above your head

* THROAT CHAKRA basketball sphere in neck and throat area

* HEART CHAKRA basketball sphere in heart area

* GENITAL CHAKRA basketball sphere in genital area

* GROUND CHAKRA basketball sphere in your feet area

These five chakras are lined up in the center of your body. There is a 3" tube connecting each one. This way the runic energy can flow from the crown chakra to the ground chakra.


Sit quietly and visualize your middle pillar energy system within you.

Visualize an infinite ocean of energy, the Quantum Ocean all around you. Or you can visualize the Quantum Ocean in the distance. Use whatever visualization technique you wish. This is not a prayer nor a sacred ritual to the gods/goddesses. You can't do it wrong. This is your own personalized runic energy for masculinity exercise.

Hold the large MAN cardboard rune in your lap with both hands.

Look at it. As you place your attention on the runic symbol on your lap the MAN runic energy from the Quantum Ocean will start to flow towards you.

Your runic energy must have a target, a place to go. This is where most students make their mistake. You must give the flowing energy a specific target.

The runic energy target will be your Middle Pillar Energy System .

Now slowly and steadily, while looking at the MAN rune symbol, breath this energy into yourself. Breath it in as if it were a wonderful flowing light.

Intone (say mentally to yourself)

"I am now inhaling the masculine increasing runic energy of MAN , from the Quantum Ocean into my crown chakra (4" basktball sphere above your head.")

By using your mental powers you control the runic energy exchange from the Quantum Ocean to your energy fields.

Mentally see this runic energy flowing from the Quantum Ocean into your crown chakra. See your crown chakra fill up with this energy.

Take a moment and feel and visualize this crown chakra full of runic energy. Do not rush. Your thoughts will become more masculine and powerful.

As you advance in your studies you will learn to use colors in your meditations.

For now it is suffice to use white light. But make it a dynamic, sparkling white light.

Intone three times.

Take a deep breath each time, look at MAN rune in your hands.

The runic energy in the crown chakra will now start to flow down the 3" tube and start to fill your throat chakra.

You will have more courageous and daring thoughts.

When your throat chakra is full of runic energy, see this energy flowing down the 3" tube into your heart chakra.

Your voice will soon deepen and become more commanding.

When you heart chakra is full, see the runic energy flowing down the 3" tube into your genital chakra.

You will feel more courageous and daring.

When your genital chakra is full, see the runic energy flowing down to your ground (feet) chakra.

You will feel more energy in your manhood.

When your genital area is full it will flow down to your feet (grounding area).

Your position in life will become more solid.

Take a few minutes and sit in your middle pillar of runic success energies. See this rich white MAN energy filling all of your 5 spheres (chakras) and your middle pillar.


Start to circulate the masculine energy around your body.

Visualize a 3" stream of this white runic energy flowing out of your crown chakra and flowing down the front of your body.

This 3" runic energy flows down your face, your chest, your stomach, your genitals, your legs, to your feet and toes.

Then under your feet and up your heels, your calves, your thighs, your buttocks, your spine, your neck, back of head and back into your crown chakra.

You now have a flowing ring of runic energy flowing down the front of your body and up the back. You have the first ring of runic energy around your body.


Start a second stream of runic energy out of your crown chakra down the left side of your head, your ear, your shoulder, your arm, your hip, your thigh, your leg, your ankle.

Under your feet and up the right side. Your ankle, thigh, hip, shoulder, ear and back into the crown chakra.


From your heart chakra visualize a third 3" flow of runic energy coming out of your heart. Let it flow to about one foot in front of you.

Now circle this runic energy clockwise around your body from left to right.

Let us stop here for a moment. This may sound very complicated. It is not. After some practice you will be able to do the whole middle pillar runic success exercise in 15 minutes.

Fifteen minutes once a day to improve your health, wealth, protection, happiness and masculinity This is a small price to pay.

Remember we are dealing with runic energies. Runic energy flows. That is what we are doing: getting the runic energy out of the Quantum Ocean to flow towards you and into you.

You have now created 3 rings of flowing runic MAN energy around your body.

One around the front of your body from crown chakra to feet and up your back.

One around your body from left side of crown chakra down the left side of your body. Up the right side of your body and back into the crown chakra.

One around your middle, clockwise.

Now expand these three runic rings of energy so that you fill your aura which is one foot from your body. See and fill your aura full of white runic energy.

Now forget about the 3 rings and concentrate on your aura.

Your auric shell. is where all success begins.

You always have an aura surrounding you. Most people have aura's that are very close to their body like a pair of pantyhose. You want to expand your aura out so that it is surrounding you one foot from your body all around you. This gives you more energy and more protection.

By continuing your runic breathing exercises your aura will get stronger and stronger. Your health, success, well being and masculinity will also increase as your aura gets stronger.

What ever energies fill your Aura create your life. Therefore always fill your Aura with good powerful energies. Use the Runes daily.



(1) Become more manly

(2) Become more courageous

(3) Increase your sexual prowess

(4) Become more daring and self-assertive

(5) Increase your personal magnetism

(6) Send more masculinity energy to a friend

Distance does not matter.


Take a deep breath and mentally intone:

"I am now inhaling this powerful runic MAN MASCULINITY energy into every cell of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies."

Feel the energy from your auric shell entering your body and filling every cell.

You are transfering this energy from your outer shell (aura) into all your inner bodies.


Take a second breath and repeat intonation. Exhale. Take a third breath and repeat intonation. Exhale.

Now sit quietly as your auric shell which is filled with MAN success energy charges every cell of your body.

Sit as long as you like.

See yourself more masculine, more assertive and assured. Your body becoming stronger. Your voice deepening. See the faces of the women in your life smiling at your new masculinity.

Finally, give a silent thank you to the Rune MAN .

Know that the Rune Meditation for masculinity is at work as you go about your day.


You can send runic energy anywhere in the world. The whole world exists in the Quantum Ocean. There is no space nor time in the Quantum Ocean. Your mind will make the connection between a mental picture of your friend and your friend's aura.


While you are sitting in your chair with your auric shell full of runic MAN energy:

Take a deep breath and intone mentally:

"I am now sending the powerful masculine energy of the MAN rune into the AURA of my friend (name him or her)." It is better if you have a photo sending the runic masculine energy right into the photo.

Visualize the white sparkling runic energy in your aura flowing into the photo or into your mind's picture of your friend or loved one. Visualize your friend or loved one in front of you. See him smile. See the glowing MAN RUNE surrounding him.

Again three breaths.

Three and nine are the magical multiples when using the runes.

Sit as long as you like and enjoy the felling of well being that this transfer of energy between you and your friend or loved one will bring you.

You can do it as often as you like.

You can use this runic MAN breathing exercise and send the runic masculinity energy to anyone, anywhere in the world.

We are talking about runic energy. The beautiful simplicity of this exercise is that we are attracting runic energy out of the Quantum Ocean (MIND OF GOD). We are then using our minds to direct this masculine runic energy to where it is needed.

When you think of your friend or loved one you are actually making contact. You are touching them. You are mentally sending them the runic masculine energy you have stored in your auric shell. You are touching them with this runic energy. There is no distance between them and your mental picture of them.

Once this masculine runic energy reaches their auric shell it will fill them with masculine energy.

The Creator God made all his laws simple . Only man complicates them.

Learn all you can about the Laws of Quantum Physics. The next 2000 years will be all about energy and energy transferring.

Bring Odin and the Gods/Goddesses into the 21st century using the Laws of Quantum Physics .

Ellis Peterson (AKA Ragnar Storyteller, earned Viking name) lives in the boonies of the PA Mountains with his wife Lory. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He now works on radionics and orgone generator technology. His writings are unique and refreshing. He is the first writer to combine the 21st century Laws of Quantum Physics with Ancient Sciences. To see more of his writings visit his websites. He has over 200 free articles for you to read and print out.


He can be reached at:

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Quantum Physics and Your Thoughts

Your Thoughts

When pain and suffering come upon you, know that you called them into your life. So therefore stand up to them. Be a Man! Be a Woman! Face the storm they bring and before you know it the sky will turn blue again. It was really only a test and it has made you stronger.

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy. We call this the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God. It responds to our thoughts.

Be aware that every thought you have attracts like energy to you out of the Quantum Ocean.

All faulty thoughts are thoughts that attract energies out of the Quantum Ocean that are not part of the Divine Blueprints which were set up for man's guidance and growth.

Since man has the power to co-create with his thoughts, he has found out how to think outside the box of Divine Blueprints. He has created his own faulty blueprints. It is the energy within these faulty man-made blueprints that causes all the pain, illness, poverty and unhappiness all around us.

All physical maladies, all disease, have their origin in the Mind of Man, not the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. They are stored there and powered by the Quantum Ocean but they don't originate there.

As long as man keeps thinking these erroneous thoughts he will continue to pull their energy out of the Quantum Ocean and into his life.

Want to stop all disease, illness and unhappiness on the planet? Then stop thinking about and focusing on it! If all men and women would stop thinking and talking about sickness, illness poverty and unhappiness they would disappear from physical reality. They would remain dormant, as un-manifested energies in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

It is our thoughts that activate pain, disease, poverty and unhappiness into our lives and onto our planet.

The whole world needs to be re-educated away from talking and thinking about disease, poverty and unhappiness. Only thoughts of health, wealth and happiness should be allowed on TV , the media and in schools.

Doctors and scientists should start to look for health, wealth and happiness in the world around them. They should start to preach it.

It is our weakness of will which gives way to bad thanking habits which will eventually ruin us.

Start with the children in school. Teach them to think and expect nothing but health, wealth, and happiness. And that will be the energies they will attract out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God and into their lives.

Every Sage, religious leader and prophet has all told us the same thing. Cleanse your own temple, drive out all the demons of your lower nature. What are these demons? They are your own erroneous thoughts.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Quantum Physics and Disease


Disease is not one of the Divine Blueprints of the Mind of God. Dis-ease is caused by the experiences, thoughts and feelings of man down through the ages. Man has built a non-divine set of blueprints within the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

Because man has free will and thoughts are things, he created dis-ease with his thoughts. Since mankind, as a whole, created these dis-ease blueprints within the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, then every man who has a certain dis-ease has the disease blueprint within him.

This being the case, then the disease is a purifying process and could be a blessing. Because, if your wrong thinking, emoting, going to excesses created the disease (attracted from the Quantum Ocean) the suffering caused by it can become a cause for reflection. You can think your way out of it.

Diseases actually are warnings to reform our incorrect, unbalanced thoughts and to live in accordance with Natural Law and Divine blueprints.

Dis-ease is the consequence of our mental and physical wrong doings (these can even be from a past life.) Dis-ease brings suffering and pain which can soften our hearts and broaden our minds. They give us an opportunity to exercise our free wills and choose a better path. They also instill compassion from others in the same boat.

Each of us is responsible for his/her diseases and misfortunes. We are their parents. They are the reaping of what we have sown.

The ancients called it the "Law of Karma." All rules for Karma are contained within the Laws of Quantum Physics.

Generally we call things "Good" when they please us and "Bad" when we do not like them. All is relative.

Sometimes the so called "Bad" things in your life turn out to be "Good." They brought you happiness, strength to your character, insight, ability to think better. They make you a better man/woman.

Nothing happens to us that we did not start. We sowed the seeds. But if we face it properly and react properly we get stronger and wiser.

The first step in proper reaction is to ask ourselves, "What have I done to bring this upon me?" The answers will arise from within.

If we remain obstinate and say "Why is God beating me with a bigger stick than any one else?" we go into denial and increase and lengthen the suffering. And we get no answers.

When misfortune comes upon you, when sorrow fills your heart and when it seems that the whole world has turned against you, it is time to be a man/woman and face it, learn form it and be done with it.

Pain and sorrow are "Awakener's!"

Pleasures and so-called joys tend to lull you to sleep. Sorrow, grief, and pain can change your life for the better. Remember it is only your finite physical body which suffers, not your soul.

Everything that happens to you is an opportunity to learn, to grow. There is nothing that helps us learn more quickly than pain and suffering. They are better teachers than smug contentment, which may lead to spiritual suicide!

Do not be afraid of your Karma. A note of warning. All dis-eases are inharmonious thoughts and feelings manifested in the physical body. Man has classified them and given then labels: ie cancer, arthritis, rheumatism, Parkinson, Aids etc.

The man made thoughts and feelings have created these false blueprints in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

Every time someone mentions, thinks or writes the "C" word, every time people have a big "C" drive, or walk in a big "C" walk, it sets the "C" word energy field vibrating in the Quantum Ocean, and causing more "C" energy to enter into the world of physical reality.

Never, never say "I have "C" or anything else." You will attract those energies to you because you are owning them with your own mouth.

There is no such thing as a "NO C- energy field in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. Only a "C field." Just as there is not a "NO oak tree" energy field. There is only an "Oak Tree" energy field. The Quantum Ocean only "thinks" in symbols and does not know "NO!"

That is why all the "C" Society's, walks, donations, and TV shows do not decrease the amount of "C". They actually increase it. More people then focus on "C".

The only way to get rid of all the "C" on the planet is to never speak of, write about, look for it under a microscope or donate to it. These all ring the phone to the "C" energy field in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, empowering it and keeping it alive.

Silence in everything involving "C" will soon have to disappear. We all need to be re-educated.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Quantum Physics and Old Age

Enjoy Your Old Age

The world that surrounds us is very beautiful. It is a manifesting of the "out blinking” of Divine Blueprints contained within the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

All beauty is also within our consciousness because we too are Divine Blueprints of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. Down through the Ages we have added erroneous energies to our Divine Blueprint. We have through our ignorance, dirtied them. This is what manifests as old age and disease.

We would not be able to see beauty outside of us if we did not have beauty within us. We are just one part of life and inseparably bound to it. We can learn something from every tree, flower, rock and mineral if we would but learn how to look.

With all this beauty around us why does man become overwhelmed with the thoughts of old age, disease and death? We must learn to control our mind. Control our thoughts. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us thoughts are things. Don't think about old age disease and death.

Become more God-Like in your thoughts. Think like a God, create a better reality for yourself. Be still and know that you are "God." Spend time every day going within. Intuition will come to you and you will know the truth of reality and it's beauty.

There are fountains of inexhaustible wisdom, knowledge, love and power within you. Your inner is the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. The core of your being is the inner mind of God within you.

Go into these quiet Places within yourself. By doing this, you will enter into the very fabric of the Universe, the Quantum Ocean, The Mind of God.

You will see that death, dis-ease and old age and man made fear blueprints, are not divine blueprints.

Learn to know truth first hand. Become one with the Universe, with all planes of Mother Earth.

Do not be afraid of old age. If you have lived correctly, lived cleanly, thought highly, as age comes upon you and your body weakens, understand that it is just your body, or vehicle, not you.

Your Soul is withdrawing form your aging body. But this is normal. Death should be peaceful and quiet. Death is birth or re-birth back into the Quantum Ocean. You "blinked out" now you will "blink in."

The path from your life on Earth to your life back into the Mind of God, Quantum Ocean, is a quiet gentle passage, a sleep. You can avoid a painful old age, even now, by modifying your way of life.

Live more humanly, live in your higher self. Don't give in to all the wants and desires of your physical body. This is the time to let your Soul Rule. If you learn this and start to do this now, no matter what your age, old age will bring you the blessings of increased higher faculties and powers.

Old Age will be vibrant, harmonious trip back to the Mind of God filled with it's visions of truth and beauty. Old age will be a blessing if you lived life rightly. It brings with it an expansion of consciousness, increased intellectual power. Grand parents are nearer the truth than youth.

A fine old age is nothing to fear. You will see through the veil to the life beyond, to the higher life in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. This is where your incarnating Soul lives. Until next time when you awaken again on the planet Earth.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Quantum + Visualization = Live 100+ Years of Age

Live to Be 100 + Years

Now a days with all the scientific Frankenstein Medicine and machines used in hospitals, they can keep the human body alive for 100 + years. But is that life?

Now, thanks to the Age of Aquarius and the Laws of Quantum Physics we can do it ourselves.

There are many stories, legends and mythologies about man living to be 100+ years and fathering children into their 90's. You too can learn how to live to be 100+ in perfect health and function.

Just think about the miracle of the human body. The three great systems constantly working 24/7 without any help from you. How many times an hour, a day, a year or a lifetime does your heart pump blood through your body? Do the math yourself. Man could not possibly build a mechanical pump to do what your heart does.

When they say we were born in the image of God, what they are saying in the terms of the Laws of Quantum Physics, is this: There exists within the Quantum Ocean a divine blueprint of the perfect man or woman. Every Soul that 'blinks out' of the Quantum Ocean into another physical incarnation carries this divine print with them.

Unfortunately they also bring out all the erroneous data that they have accepted as truth from their past life also. It is this false data, that is strongly entrenched in the mass mind of humanity, that causes all the illness and pain on the planet. It is these erroneous energy fields that we are born into.

But, we have choice. We do not have to accept them. We can instead think of the divine blueprint of Health that exists in the Quantum Ocean and "I Am" it into our life. By doing this we can dissolve or override the erroneous energies of the mass mind that constantly fills our thoughts and our Aura.

What is the Quantum Ocean? The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there is an infinite Ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. It is the Mind of God. It is where all the blueprints for perfect health and function exist. They are much like the dress patterns a seamstress uses to create a dress.

Reach into the Quantum Ocean with your mind and your "I Am" statements and pullout the pattern for perfect health into your life. The Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) responds to your thoughts and especially to your "I Am" thoughts.

Want to live to be 100+ years young in perfect health and function? I do and I WILL.

There are three basic steps you must follow. And, since repetition is Heaven's first Law you must repeat, repeat, and repeat these steps every day of your life. Starting now.

Your thoughts of today create your tomorrow. Think new thoughts today and create a new tomorrow.

I get up about 5 AM every morning and the first hour or two I pay myself. I mean, I take the wonderful life force I have accumulated from my good nights sleep and use it to create a better future. You must learn to use your own energy if you have any ideas of helping your family. You must help yourself first.

I have my favorite chair by the window and I sit and relax and do my writing, meditating and reading every morning before I do anything else.

I also practice my three steps to live 100+ years.

Step 1. This I practice 24/7, I do not accept anything that is said about disease, illness or medical treatments from the media, TV or daily conversations. I am interested in health not disease, so I do not put my attention on disease or illness.

Step 2. Now, while I am relaxed, I think about the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) where the divine blueprint of perfect health exists.

I close my eyes and simply intone with full faith and expectation the following statement:
"I am now manifesting the Divine Blueprint of perfect health out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, into every cell of my body.

I do it several times then I relax in the assurance that this Divine Blueprint will replace the erroneous blueprint.

Step 3. Now I project myself into my future. I see myself in my future in my Mind's Eye. I create myself into my future in my Mind's Eye.

Here is what I do. I visualize myslef in my daughter's home. My wife is there and my grandchildren are there.

I visualize myself sitting at the head of the dining room table. My daughter brings in a Birthday cake and everyone stands up and say "Happy Birthday on your 70th Birthday!" I cut the cake and we all have some.

Then I repeat the mental scene, projecting it 10 years into my future. I see myself, my wife and children and grand children in perfect health and function only 10 years older. My 80th birthday party.

Then 90th Birthday. Once again every body is in perfect health and function, but 10 years older.

Then 100th birthday. I have in my mind the idea that man should live to be at least 144 years. Maybe that is the goal I will shoot for. But I always visualize myself and everyone else in perfect health and function.

Try it. Project yourself into your future. Then you will live into it.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Quantum Physics and Pioneers of Health

Pioneers of Health

There exists within the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God, a divine time line for the advance of mankind.

Down through the ages we have seen men and women appear as if by magic to change the direction man has taken by his poor choices. I could name hundreds in every area of the growth of civilized man. Jefferson, Washington, and Franklin just to name a few well known men, founders of our country. But I am more interested in this article to trace a few of the pioneering giants in the area of health.

I am not using the word 'medicine' because it denotes the search for a dis-ease. Since the inception of the Galen School of Medicine, man's health and well being has steadily gone south. The main reason is that medical men have been taught to become specialists. Heart doctors, eye doctors, cancer doctors etc. , they have gotten away from the idea of treatilng the whole man; of leading the whole man back to health.

Several famous pioneers in health stand out in my mind.

Paracelsus, was born Phillip Von Hohenheim, December 11, 1493. He was an Alchemist, Physician, Astrologer and Occultist. Most of the university - trained physcians working at this time in Europe used Astrology as part of their medical practices.

Paracelsus pioneered the use of chemicals and minerals in medicine. He believed that health in the body relied on the harmony within the man. As a chair of medicine at the University of Basel, he burned traditional medical books. He was forcibly run out of the city by his colleagues. When they caught up with him, they threw him off a cliff to his death.

Doctors do not like pioneering doctors who talk against doctors.

In 1755, another pioneering doctor 'blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean. Christian Samual Hahnemannn. He claimed that medicine of his time did as much harm as good. He created Homeopathy and his principle was 'like cures like.' In 1810, he wrote his "Organon of the Medical Art", this was the first systematic treatise on the subject of homeopathy.

Again a medical doctor looked elswhere to cure his patients.

In 1821, Dr. Whillhelm Heinrich Schussler, identified 12 different salts in the human tissue. He stated an imbalance in these mineral salts causes sickness. The balance of these 12 mineral salst could be restored by ingesting them in a bio-available form. They are generally considered a Homeopathic Remedy. Another doctor breaks away!

In 1873 in Bombay India, Dinshah P. Ghadiali (Darius Dinshah) was born.

He too became a doctor. He felt so helpless when he watched thousands of people die during the Bubonic Plaque, that struck India in 1897. The medical world wa helpless. He turned from medicine and spent the rest of his life perfecting his Spectro-Chrome Color Healing Therapy. He showed the world how they could heal themselves using 12 color filters and a lamp.

In 1886, Dr. Edward Bach ws born. He studied medicine at the University College Hospital in London. He was dis-satisfied with the way doctors concentrated on diseases.

He left London, determined to devote the rest of his life to a new system of medicine that he found in Nature. One by one he found Flower Remedies aimed at a particular mental state or emotion. He found that if he treated the unhappy emotional state of his patient, their physical distress would become alleviated. Through great personal suffering and sacrifice he completed his life work presenting the 'Bach Flower Remedies' to the world.

He died at age 50. Like many of the great Pioneers, he 'blinked back' into the Quantum Ocean after he had finished his 'mission' on the planet.

The new Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics. These laws tell us that there exists an infinite Ocean of Thinking, Intelligent Energy called the Quantum Ocean. We can also call it the Mind of God. Within the Mind of God, everything that ever was, is or will be exists. There is no past, present nor future there. Only the NOW.

There is also the Divine timing plan for mankind. The tools he needs to advance along the path of evolution are all there. They 'blink out' into the physical world along with the men and women who will implement, and recognize these gifts at the correct time.

In the world of medicine we have Paracelsus, Hannemann, Schussler, Dinshah and Bach to name of few of the healing pioneers.

We have 1950 years yet to go in the Age of Aquarius, who knows what great men and women will 'blink out' of the Quantum Ocean to help mankind.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Quantum Physics and Health Men over 50 can Regenerate

Quantum Physics and Aging Men

What if.....
Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking stuff called the Quanutm Ocean. It responds to all thoughts and emotions.

What man thinks contacts the energy of that thought and eventually brings it into physical manifestation.

The Laws of Quantum Physics also tell us that everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. We could say that it is the Mind of God.

There is no time in the Quantum Ocean only the NOW. There is no space in the Quantum Ocean only the here. So, the only thing that exists in the whole Universe is the HERE-NOW.

Let us get this straight. Everything exists in the Quantum Ocean past, present and the future. There is really no time. Passage of time and space are an illusion.

Then what causes what we see now, in my living room, out my window to manifest my personal reality?

And when my wife looks out the window she sees the same things. It is because we have expected to see it. I expect to see my brown leather chair and TV whenever I enter the living room. Does it 'blinks out' of the Quantum Ocean and physically form itself.?

When I look in the mirror, I expect to see myself and I do. The wrinkles and aging I see are due to the expectation that when I look in the mirror that this is what I will see. It is my belief.

But why would I expect this? Because I am part of the sub group of human males, over 50 who live on the planet at this time. This sub group of human males, over 50 not only exists physically, but it exists as a sub group of Humanity in the Quantum Ocean. This sub group does not blink in and out. It is.!

Every man on the planet who reaches the age of 50+ attracts energies out of this sub group out of the Quantum Ocean.

And with this attraction comes a long line of expectations or beliefs. They can expect for their hair to thin out; for thier prostrate to give them problems, for wrinkles to appear, and for their gums to recede falling away from the teeth.

So, if the average man, over 50, DOES NOT set up within himself, counter energies, counter thoughts, counter expectations and beliefs, he will loose his hair and have all the physical problems 'EXPECTED' of men over 50.

When did all this start? I do not know. What I do know is that everything that ever was or will be exists already in the Quantum Ocean. What a man expects or believes he will attract and become.

What I explained about males over 50, pertains mostly to American males, as 'I' am part of the collective conscious of American males over 50.

If we go to the Caucus Mountains we find men who live to be 106 + with all their hair and teeth. They are able to father children into their 90's.

Why is this?

Because thy belong to and 'BELIEVE' in a a different set of expectations from us here in North America. They belong to the Caucus Mountain sub group of males in the Quantum Ocean and therefore attract THOSE energies.

Why do most people in the Western world die at 70? Because they expect to and have been led to believe this is so by AMA media hype. What they believe to be so, they attract.

Why do most men in the Caucus Mountains live to be 100+? Because they expect to.

Now, agian I say , I do not know when these expectations and sub groups in the Quantum Ocean reached Critical Mass and 'blinked out' into the physical planet as alleged rules governing the physical make up of men over 50.

What I do know is that you can for withdraw from that sub group and attract a new set of energies from a NEW sub group.

Don't expect to loose your hair, teeth, prostrate and life.

Form a NEW set of beliefs and expectations. Expect to live to be over 100+ years in full health and function with all your hair, teeth, prostrate and organs.

EXPECT IT! EXPECT IT! EXPECT IT! Every day upon awakening and every night when going to bed shout open the window and shout:

" I am living tolive to be 100+ years of age in perfect health and function with all my hair and teeth!"

Try it! You try and believe everything the TV, doctor and millions of other men over 50 say.

Why not believe what I say and start to regenerate. It costs nothing. Do you know that we contain genes in each organ of our body that can cause our organs to rebuild and regenerate these organs. It may very well be our 'BELIEF' that this is not so that prevents our bodies from doing just that.

BELIEVE that you body can regenerate and heal and you WILL!

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at:

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Quantum Physics + Spiritual Vitamins = Health

Spiritual Vitamins

Our Solar System has just rotated through our Galaxy and now resides (for the next 2000 years) in an orbit around our Galactic Sun that we have named "The Age of Aquarius."

It is the Age of Science, the mind and Quantum Physics. The materialistic Scientists who still believe in the 'Big Bang Theory' and the 'Chaos Creation Theory' are talking and writing the Laws of Quantum Physics to death already.

We do not live in a world of words. We live in a living, expanding, creation Universe. It was created by the Big 'G" the Creator God.

The Universe is energy, we are energy, thoughts are energy. The Laws of Quantum Physics and Attraction are Laws based on energies not words. Our health is energy or the natural flow of energy through our energy centers, chakras.

When the gas in your car is clogged or blocked up the car stalls and can not move. When your energy flow is blocked up, you stall (illness).

In this marvelous New Age we find ourselves in, we must use our minds to create new methodologies to attract more life-giving energy into our lives and to keep it flowing.

The simplicity of the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite Ocean of thinking, intelligent energy out of which the Universe and each one of us is manifested.

This ocean of energy was placed there by the Creator God as part of the Creative Plan.

It is called the Quantum Ocean and in reality it is the Mind of God. It responds to our thoughts and emotions and manifests into our individual minds, as well as into the mass mind of Humanitiy. All thoughts and emotions become a reality.

Therefore it is up to us to think good healthy thoughts into the Quantum Ocean and recieve good healthy energy in return.

Thoughts are things, symbols are things, words are things. We must use the Law of Attraction by selecting thoughts, symbols and words that bring into our lives what we want. Not what we don't want.

We could turn the whole medical profession around if we could stop thinking, talking and studying dis-eases which no one wants. Each time a disease is talked about, each illness that is thought about, or shown on TV; the disease or illness is EMPOWERED. So, why not consider a new way of thinking? Why not think in terms of HEALTH? Think of being HEALTHY, not being sick. Talk about HEALTH, Think about HEALTH, and study how to be HEALTHY. Give disease and sickness no thought or attention whatever. Do not even mention the diseases that are in vogue. Do not watch commercials or TV programs having to do with ill-health. Remember where you place your attention is what is drawn to you.

We all want health, wealth and happiness. Here is a powerful exercise I call "Spiritual Vitamins for Health, Wealth and Happiness."

Words are powerful. Written words are Resonant Frequencies to energy fields in the Quantum Ocean. When you consciously look at a word and mentally breathe it into your self, you are making a connection to the energy field in the Quantum Ocean pertaining to the word.

The wold health written boldly on a piece of paper is connected to the health energy in the Quantum Ocean.

Take at least a dozenpieces of 8 1/2" by 11" 120 pound cardboard stock (vary the colors if you like) in the center of each sheet boldly write or print out one Key word. One word that represents an energy in the Quantum Ocean that you want to manifest in your life. Here is a list, but you can choose your own.


Sit comfortably in your chair. Relax and breathe slowly and deeply with the twelve cards in your lap.

Now take one of the cards in your hands - 'Health'. Look at it and mentally say "I am now inhaling Heatlth into every cell in my body." Take a deep breath while still looking at the card. Three times.

Place the card on the bottom of the pile in your lap and pick up the next card 'Wealth."

Breathe in "I am Wealthy." Go through all twelve cards and you will be giving yourself 'Spiritual Vitamins' that will start to attract HEALTH, WEALTH, and HAPPINESS into your life.

How long will this take? Be patient and persist.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at